Monday, 18 March 2013 - 11:27am
In addition to the financial contribution to our community, we should also consider SCU's huge qualititative impact on Coffs Harbour. It's no accident that we have the highest number of financial advisors and marketing consultants per capita of any region in the country. It's only by boldly shedding the majority of accumulated human wisdom from it's curricula that SCU is able to guarantee our next generation a bright future in everything from tourism and hospitality, to marketing, and back to tourism and hospitality again.
As SCU's motto says, "Those who fail to learn from history are better off doing business studies anyway." The pressing question of our age is not "What is the good life?", but "Would you like fries with that?", and the range of educational products offered here reflects this modern reality.
While the old guard of academia ask why anybody would want to study in an institution located in the middle of a swamp, miles from anywhere, with all the charm of a nuclear power plant, they fail to see that it's the lack of distraction by traditional, or indeed any, campus life that gives SCU's students the edge over their happier, more well-rounded and socially-adept peers. When you hire an SCU graduate, you know you're getting someone with ambition, diligence, and a current driver's license.
And not only is SCU one of Coffs' largest employers, staff and faculty loyalty is extraordinarily high. In fact, the longer someone works at SCU, the less likely it is that they'll get a job at another university ever again. It's this pervasive atmosphere of fatalism and despair that so well prepares SCU's students for whatever their pointless lives will throw at them.
As you look around Coffs Harbour, from the boarded-up main streets and endless suburban sprawl of it's built environment, to the virulent anti-intellectualism and reflexive bigotry of it's people, I'm sure you'll agree that the influence of SCU is to be found everywhere.