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Published by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 19/02/2015 - 10:15am

Over at Bloomberg View, I gave a quick guide to the econ blogosphere. As expected, I left out some important people. Those would include:

1. Steve Williamson

This was just pure moronitude on my part, since I meant to move him up from the bottom section to the "Macro Geeks" section and then just forgot and left him out entirely! In any case, read his blog, it's good. Also, he's blogging a lot more recently, after a long hiatus, and including a lot of great charts. And he's not talking about Krugman anymore, which is a good thing. ;-)

2. Carola Binder

Another pure mistake on my part. I had meant to put Carola's blog at the bottom and simply forgot. This is especially egregious because she was my chief substitute blogger for half a year! Carola's blog is probably the most similar to my own, I think.

3. Owen Zidar

A great source for paper links. As with Carola, I meant to give him a mention at the bottom and simply forgot.

4. Steve Waldman

Usually a bit too verbose and literary for my tastes, but undeniably an important pillar of the blogosphere.

5. David Glasner

Usually a bit too verbose and literary for my tastes, but undeniably an important pillar of the blogosphere.

6. Nick Bunker

The new kid on the econ blogoblock. Looks excellent so far! Forgot him because he's too new.

7. Bill McBride

I always thought of Calculated Risk as a finance rather than an econ blog, but people on Twitter beg to differ.

8. Mike Konczal

Mike Konczal is awesome. For some reason I thought he wasn't blogging anymore! Then just this morning I saw a great post by him, and I realized I was dangerously wrong.

9. Jeff Smith

Michigan economist Jeff Smith has shaved his Ron Swanson moustache, but has not lost any of his power. He needs to blog more, though. As an expert in applied micro, he could demolish a lot of overhyped studies in the media.

10. Chris House

My old macro sensei blogs very occasionally. He hasn't blogged since October of last year! But hopefully he will return soon...

11. Frances Coppola

Frances has moved a lot of her blogging to Forbes (like I moved to BV), but still maintains a personal blog as well.

12. Crooked Timber

A great eclectic blog that occasionally does blog about economics.

13. Timothy Taylor

If you are new to econ, you should probably start with Tim Taylor. If you're not new to econ, you should still read his blog.

14. Kevin Grier and Michael Munger

How could I leave out Kids Prefer Cheese??? GET TO THE CHEDDAR!

I'm sure this list will grow as people keep reminding me of blogs I forgot to include...