I was a bit anxious about the Saki, expecting it to be about 20% ABV like Korean Jinro Soju, but at 14% it was no harsher than the reds. My regret is by that stage we were not at our best for appreciating the more subtle flavour. We should have had some plum-flavoured Seoljungmae, the nicest lolly-water-for-grownups I've ever tasted. OMG! OMG! Jinro now do grapefruit Soju! At the 14% (literally) sweet spot! Oh, to be well paid and in a cosmopolitan city! https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Korean_drink-Soju-01.jpg https://modernseoul.org/2014/10/09/premium-korean-plum-liquor-seoljungmae/ https://modernseoul.org/2015/07/20/grapefruit-soju-from-hite-jinro/