Wednesday, 27 August 2014 - 6:52pm
I'm inclined to agree that most modern racism isn't of the good old fashioned eugenicist kind directed at inferior breeds, but uses race as a signifier of class. That said, for a white person to appear to the police as lower class means wearing a hoodie and a belligerant attitude. For a black person to appear to the police as anything but lower class, they have to be wearing a bow tie. And maybe a monocle. While driving a BMW. With two or three white friends in the car. I suspect this rule is universal, despite local variations in who qualifies as "white" or "black".
But the problem with saying "hang on - this is about race" is that you're inviting hollow solutions. "Let's get some more black people in the 1%, and OMG! Did you notice who's the president? We're already making progress!"