Sunday, 6 August 2017 - 7:53pm
This week, I have been writing a short essay rather than reading, which in practice means mostly playing Aisleriot:
- The terrifying 157 year history of Australian mortgages — UBS via David Llewellyn-Smith of MacroBusiness provides your vertiginously nauseating chart porn of the week:
- 'Education Technology's Completely Over' — Audrey Watters:
Students often find themselves uploading their content – their creative work – into the learning management system (the VLE). Perhaps they retain a copy of the file on their computer; but with learning analytics and plagiarism detection software, they still often find themselves having their data scanned and monetized, often without their knowledge or consent. So I want us to think about the ways in which students and scholars, like Prince, find themselves without control over their creative work, find themselves signing away their rights to their data, their identity, their future. We sign these rights away all the time. We compel students to do so. We tell them that this is simply how the industry, the institution works.
- Neuroses — Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal by Zach Weinersmith who I quote far too often here. After all, neither a borrower nor a lender be…: